

The name of the Association shall be the South Carolina Association of Colleges and Employers.


A. To promote continued improvement of human resources, experiential education, and career services to students and graduates of colleges and universities in South Carolina.

B. To provide professional growth and continuing education in the areas of human resources, experiential education, and career services.

C. To foster an environment to deal with common issues and concerns regarding human resources, experiential education, and career services, through an exchange of ideas, information, and experiences.

D. To maintain goals and objectives and to adhere to the principles of professional practice as outlined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.


There shall be three classifications of members: full, associate, and affiliate as defined in the bylaws.


A. The elected officers of the Association shall be: PresidentPresident – ElectSecretaryTreasurer, and four (4) SCACE Members at Large (2) (two college/university and two employer representatives). These officers must be full members when elected to serve out their term of office. Elections will be held each spring at the annual meeting. If no quorum exists, elections will be handled by email or other means so that newly elected officers will take office on June 1.

B. The Board shall consist of all elected officers and committee chairs as outlined in the bylaws. The Executive Committee of the Board shall consist of the elected officers, the immediate Past President, and four (4) SCACE Members at Large from the general membership. Only Executive Board Members shall be eligible to vote on matters pertaining to the organization.

C. The following officers will serve all three (3) years in a rotation in this order President Elect, President, and Past President. The other members of the Board will serve a term of two (2) years beginning at the start of the fiscal year following their election. No member may serve consecutive member terms, except when an individual is asked to serve a partial term, in addition to his or her own complete elected two (2) year term.

D. Absence – Any member of the Board who is unable to attend a meeting shall notify the President of his or her reasons for absence. If a member is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings for reasons which the remaining Board determines insufficient, his or her resignation shall be rendered and accepted, and he or she shall be notified.


A. The Association shall hold at least one business meeting and two professional development activities each calendar year.

B. A quorum of five (5) elected board members is required to conduct board meetings.

C. A majority vote is required to pass motions in the business meetings or board meetings.

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