BylawsI. MEMBERSHIP Section 1 Membership shall consist of three types: full member, associate member, and affiliate member. Definition: A. Full Members (Employer) – individuals who are engaged in the recruitment, selection, and placement within their own organizations of students from educational institutions within the state of South Carolina. Full Member Employers all eligible to vote, hold office, or chair a committee within the Association. B. Full Members (College/University) – individuals who are engaged in the areas of experiential education and/or career services at postsecondary institutions that are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Full Member Colleges/Universities are eligible to vote, hold office, or chair a committee within the Association. C. Associate Members (Graduate Students) – individuals who are enrolled in graduate study in a student services or human resources related discipline at a college or university within South Carolina and who are planning to pursue careers in the areas of human resources, experiential education, and/or career services. Associate Members are eligible to vote, hold office, or chair a committee within the Association. D. Affiliate Members – Professionals who do not meet the criteria for other categories of membership and who provide support products and/or services to the recruitment/career services functions; or are working in fields related to career services and/or college recruiting may be accepted as non-voting members. Such members may include, but are not limited to, employees of contract recruiting firms, outplacement firms, employment agencies, career assistance centers, or other organizations related to the overall functions of career services, human resources and/or university recruiting/relations. Affiliate members are not eligible to vote, hold office, or chair a committee within the Association. Section 2 Application for membership can be made by clicking on “Join SCACE” on the SCACE website or emailing the Membership Officers directly. Section 3 Members shall endorse and abide by the “Principles for Ethical Professional Practice” as set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Section 4 Membership shall be terminated when a member becomes ineligible, is delinquent in payment of dues, or is ruled ineligible for due cause by the Board. Terminated members due to delinquency of dues may be reinstated upon receipt of current dues. Section 5 Membership may be transferred to a successor upon written request to the Membership Officers. Section 6 Each full member (college or employer) shall be entitled to cast a vote on each matter submitted to the membership for vote. Affiliate members shall not be entitled to vote. II. BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES The administrative responsibilities of the Association shall be vested in a Board consisting of the elected members and the immediate Past President. The President role is a three-year term serving as President-Elect, President, then Past President. All Board Members noted below in sections 4 thru 8 will hold a two-year term on the Board. Section 1 The President will preside at all meetings of the Association, chair meetings of the Board, call all regular and special meetings of the Association, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, and along with the immediate Past President, recommend to the Board for approval and appoint successors to fill unexpired terms of office of Board Members. The President will assume the title and duties of Immediate Past-President at the conclusion of their term as President, serving as a voting member and as consultant to the Board. The President will review by-laws and operational procedures each year to make sure the needs of the members are being addressed. The President will enforce all Operational Procedures among the Board and Committees to ensure the best for SCACE. Section 2 The President-Elect will perform all the duties of the President in their absence or at their request, will coordinate the annual Board Retreat in the summer they become President. The President-Elect will assist the President with reviews of any board decisions along with Past President. The President-Elect will assume the office of President at the conclusion of his/her term as President-Elect, thereby succeeding the current President. They also serve as Chairperson to the Nominating Committee. Section 3 The Past President serves as a consultant to the elected Board. Along with the President, they recommend to the Board for approval and appoint successors to fill unexpired terms of Board Members. The Past President will serve as President until the next annual election if that office becomes vacant and is unable to be filled. The Past President will chair the Awards Committee. Section 4 The Correspondence Officer will handle official board correspondence and maintain all official minutes of the annual conference, business, and board meetings. The Correspondence Officer will serve on the Communications Committee. Section 5 The Finance Officer will maintain a record of all Association financial business including but not limited to the payment of bills from the Board, receipt and distribution of funds, and association dues. The Finance Officer will also serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee. Section 6 The Historian will collect, organize, and maintain a record of any and all SCACE materials and records each year pertaining to the Association. This includes but is not limited to materials for events, board meetings and retreat, and the annual conference. The Historian will work with the Communications Committee to ensure historical information is maintained on the website and to track and organize all minutes from meetings. The Historian will work with other members of the Board as needed. Section 7 The Communications Officers (Technology and Marketing/PR) represent the interests of the organization by providing electronic and printed communications to members on behalf of the association. These officers will serve on the Board. The Technology Officer will handle website maintenance and current information via social media or other electronic formats. The Marketing/PR Officer will handle the association’s publication and distribution of monthly electronic newsletters and/or mass updates during the membership year. The officers will also be the lead information source for news, events, and photographs that need to be published or archived for the association. These officers will co-chair the Communications Committee. Section 8 The Membership Officer(s) will develop and implement recruiting efforts for the association for all levels of representation (full and associate). The Officer(s) will lead database management, contact info updates, and membership renewals. The officer(s) will serve on the Board and chair the Membership Committee. Section 9 The Special Events and Professional Development Officers (Member Engagement and Annual Conference) will represent the interests of the members, serve on appointed standing and ad hoc committees, and plan the Fall and Spring Drive-ins, professional development activities, and annual association conference. The Member Engagement Officer will be selected to serve their first year in that role and will transition to chairing the Annual Conference during their second year. These members will serve on the Board and chair the Special Events and Professional Development committee. The President, President-Elect, and Finance Officer will serve as the oversight body for Special Events. Section 10 The four (4) Board Members at Large (two college/university and two employer members) represent the interests of the members, serve on appointed standing and ad hoc committees, and offer their assistance in the planning of the Annual Conference, Drive-ins, and other programs as needed. These Board Members will serve on the Awards Committee. III. COMMITTEES Standing committees shall be Membership, Special Events and Professional Development, Communications, Finance Committee, Nominating and Awards. Other committees shall be appointed by the President as necessary on an “ad hoc” basis. All membership roles, with the exception of Affiliate Members, are eligible to serve on committees. All committees will serve for one year beginning July 1st. Section 1 The Membership Committee should consist of at least one employer member and one college member, if possible. The Committee will devise and implement procedures for recruiting new members and retaining current members. The Committee will keep an updated membership database. The Committee will review membership forms submitted via the SCACE website and approve membership in accordance with the constitution and by-laws or refer the applicant to the Board for approval. The Committee will publish an updated membership directory and provide other membership updates for each newsletter published. The Committee will send updates to the Communications Committee for the website,, on a regular basis. Membership information, including the directory, is only available to current members. Section 2 The Special Events and Professional Development Committee should consist of at least one employer representative and one college representative. The Special Events Officers will oversee this committee. The Committee will provide members and guests of SCACE with workshop(s) on topics useful and relevant to each participant’s career satisfaction and/or advancement. Two regional Drive-ins per year are recommended, along with regional gatherings (Upstate, Midlands and Lowcountry) professional development sessions, and the annual conference. This committee will assist the Special Events Officers and is composed of the Past President, President, President-Elect, and Finance Officer. The Co-Chairs will be responsible for all sub-committees within the conference and keep the President informed. Section 3 The Communications Committee should be composed of the Communications Officers (Technology and Marketing/PR), the Correspondence Officer, and one association member. The committee will assist with taking photographs at events collecting, organizing, and maintaining on an annual basis any and all material and records pertaining to the Association news and events; preparing monthly electronic newsletters; and providing a copy to publish on the website. This committee will also assist the Communications Officer (Technology) with maintaining the website with current information presented by all Board Members and committees. The committee will review new technology and current and existing technology needs of SCACE and present recommendations to the Board. Section 4 The Finance Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members, including the Finance Officer, who shall serve as the chairperson of the committee and at least two (2) other members of the Board or members of the organization, appointed by the Board. The Finance Committee is established to oversee the financial health of the organization. The Finance Committee shall: Financial Oversight: Regularly review the organization’s financial statements and ensure they are accurate and comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Budgeting: Assist in the preparation and presentation of an annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors, ensuring that it aligns with the organization’s strategic priorities and available resources. Financial Reporting: Ensure that timely and accurate financial reports are provided to the Board of Directors and that any significant variances from the budget are identified and explained. Internal Controls: Recommend policies and procedures to safeguard the organization’s assets, oversee financial management, and ensure appropriate use of funds. Fundraising and Revenue Generation: Advise the Board on the organization’s financial needs and recommend strategies for revenue generation and fundraising efforts. Compliance: Ensure that the organization is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local financial regulations, including but not limited to tax filings and reporting requirements. The Finance Committee shall meet at least quarterly, and more frequently as necessary, to review the organization’s financial position and make recommendations to the Board. Meetings may be held virtually or in person. The Finance Committee shall report regularly to the Board, providing updates on the financial health of the organization, the results of audits, and any financial concerns or opportunities that arise. Committee members shall serve a term of one (1) year and may be reappointed. Any vacancies on the Finance Committee shall be filled by the Board. A majority of the members of the Finance Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Decisions shall be made by a majority vote of those present. Section 5 The Nominating Committee should be composed of the President-Elect as Chairperson, along with at least one employer member and one college member at large. The Committee will select and present a slate of nominees for all vacant Board positions. In the event the current President-Elect declines the position of President, the Nominating Committee will recommend a candidate. The nominees will ideally be presented prior to the Annual Conference and voting will take place during or directly after the Conference; however nominations can be accepted during and after the Conference if necessary. Section 6 The Awards Committee is composed of the Past President and the Employer and College Members at Large. They solicit and evaluate nominations for the three association awards offered annually, select recipients, and present the awards at the annual conference. The current awards offered include: New Professional Award, Unsung Hero Service Award, and the 10-Year Recognition Award. The criteria and past recipients will be included with the membership information on the association’s website and will be distributed to the membership 60 days prior to the annual conference for receipt of nominations. The nominations will be presented to the association President for review with the Board and Awards Committee. Winners will be recognized at the annual conference and listed on the website. Section 7 The SCACE newsletter shall be called The Palmetto Statement and published monthly. IV. DUES Annual dues of the Association will be determined by the Board. Dues renewals will be emailed automatically 60 days in advance. Dues are paid online or to the Finance Officer for the period of January 1 – December 31. V. AMENDMENTS The bylaws may be amended or revised by the President and presented to the Board for review. Approval of bylaws may be taken by a majority vote of active association members attending one of the regional business meetings (Drive-ins) or by a majority vote of those returning ballots within ten (10) days request for voting via email. Revised: October 2024 |